11 Feb 2025 By AK

Tiffany & Co. Introduces the new Sixteen Stone

Tiffany & Co.推出全新Sixteen Stone by Tiffany系列及Jean Schlumberger Croisillon手鍊

Tiffany & Co. debuts a new chapter in iconic design with the release of smaller-scale iterations of the beloved Sixteen Stone by Tiffany styles and the timeless artistry of the Jean Schlumberger Croisillon Bracelet. These masterful creations continue Tiffany’s tradition of unparalleled craftsmanship and innovative design, offering a seamless blend of modern elegance and storied heritage.

Tiffany & Co. 揭開經典設計的新篇章,深受喜愛的Sixteen Stone by Tiffany系列和流露雋永匠心的Jean Schlumberger Croisillon手鍊均推出尺寸更纖細的版本。這些大師級作品延續Tiffany精湛工藝和創新設計薈萃的傳統,不僅時尚優雅,亦延續深厚傳統。

Sixteen Stone by Tiffany Narrow Ring

 An expression of love’s nurturing forces, the Sixteen Stone by Tiffany collection began as a wedding ring designed by Jean Schlumberger that Tiffany & Co. introduced in 1959. The new Sixteen Stone Narrow Ring brings a refined, slimmer take on the original, with smaller diamonds that enhance its versatility. Designed for all genders, the ring offers a fresh approach to layering, pairing effortlessly with existing Sixteen Stone by Tiffany pieces, other rings, or even an engagement ring. Its subtle elegance makes it the ultimate diamond jewelry essential for everyday wear. Sixteen Stone by Tiffany is a reminder of each encounter, each promise and each accomplishment that make up our journeys.

Sixteen Stone by Tiffany幼版戒指

Sixteen Stone by Tiffany系列原為Jean Schlumberger設計的婚戒,寓意愛可潤澤心靈,於1959年正式面世。全新Sixteen Stone幼版戒指以更纖細精緻的姿態演繹原版設計,較細顆的鑽石亦令戒指更為百搭。戒指不分性別,以嶄新意念演繹疊戴潮流,可輕鬆配搭現有Sixteen Stone by Tiffany款式、其他戒指、甚或訂婚戒指。設計含蓄優雅,是最適合日常佩戴的鑲鑽首飾。Sixteen Stone by Tiffany意涵深遠,見證人生旅途上每一次邂逅、每一個承諾、每一項成就。

Jean Schlumberger’s iconic Croisillon bracelet

 Tiffany & Co. introduced Jean Schlumberger’s iconic Croisillon bracelet in 1962. Rare and unique, vitreous enamel is characterized by vivid, durable hues that can maintain its color for centuries. It is crafted by craftspeople who are more than artisans but also artists—enamellers with highly specialized know-how and expertise. In the decades since, everyone from first ladies to film stars and fashion editors have owned Jean Schlumberger’s magnificent enamel creations.

The House introduced various iterations of Jean Schlumberger’s Croisillon bracelet over the years, offering them in a spectrum of hues that included green, blue, dark-blue, dark green, red, white, light-blue, light green, yellow and orange. The designs featured gold accents and, in some instances, gemstones.

 Jean Schlumberger的標誌性Croisillon手鍊

 Tiffany & Co.於1962年推出Jean Schlumberger享負盛名的Croisillon手鍊。珍稀獨特的玻璃琺瑯以鮮艷持久的色澤見稱,可保持數百年不褪色。製作玻璃琺瑯的匠人不僅是工匠,更是藝術家,是掌握獨門造詣及專業技術的琺瑯工藝師。作品面世數十年來,從第一夫人以至電影巨星及時尚編輯,無一不將Jean Schlumberger的瑰麗琺瑯珍品納入囊中。

品牌多年來推出不同版本的Jean Schlumberger Croisillon手鍊,涵蓋綠色、藍色、深藍、深綠、紅色、白色、淺藍、淺綠、黃色及橙色等豐富色調,並以黃金點綴,部分款式鑲嵌寶石。

 Jean Schlumberger is renowned for reviving the 19th-century art form of vitreous enameling. This intricate technique involves a complex process that requires layering precious 18K gold foil and meticulously ‘painted’ vitreous enamel in an alternating pattern, often repeated up to three times. The multiple layers and firings produce colors of extraordinary depth and shimmering luminosity, culminating in vibrant hues that truly captivate.

Jean Schlumberger以復興19世紀玻璃琺瑯藝術著稱。這種精湛技藝牽涉珍貴的18K金箔和精心「塗抹」玻璃琺瑯,以重複工序將兩者交替疊加,通常各需疊塗多達三次。經過多次疊塗和反複窯燒,色澤會變得異常深邃,綻放流光溢彩,最終呈現出令人傾心的鮮艷色調。

As one of the 20th century’s most gifted artists, Jean Schlumberger is renowned for his fantastical, almost surreal creations. Inventive, imaginative and uninhibited, Schlumberger ushered in an unprecedented chapter of jewelry design when he began his legendary collaboration with Tiffany in 1956.

作為20世紀最具天賦才華的藝術家之一,Jean Schlumberger以滿載奇思妙想、超乎現實的作品聞名於世。Schlumberger的設計富有天馬行空的創意想像,他在1956年與Tiffany開展傳奇的合作關係,從此揭開珠寶設計劃時代的新篇章。