The New Year holds the promise of boundless possibilities. Like a blank slate or fresh new page, it empowers us to start anew.
This holds especially true where our health and wellness resolutions are concerned. The first few days of every year inspire us all to live a healthier and fuller life.. And this transformative journey begins with a HOLISTIC DETOX PROGRAM AT THE FARM AT SAN BENITO.
The Holistic Detox Program was specifically designed to support a healthy, safe, and effective cleanse. While ridding the body and mind of elements and energies that no longer serve, the holistic program also nourishes through nutrition, movement and mindfulness.
The Holistic Detox experience includes highly specialized treatments like colon and kidney cleansing, as well as psycho-emotional clearing. Throughout the retreat, healthier habits to jumpstart the year are introduced through delicious vegan flavors, mindful movement, and functional fitness.
Clarity, Vitality and Total Body Reset To Start The Year Right. Throughout the retreat, guests are encouraged to drink high nutrition fruits and vegetables. Juicing allows the digestive organs to reset while filling the body with fresh, clean plant-based energy. Other health benefits of juicing to detox include: sustained vitality, mental clarity, enhanced immunity, and speedy cellular healing. For optimum results, a six-night retreat comes highly recommended.
The Complete Detox Experience at The Farm at San Benito. Although there are many at-home or do-it-yourself detox programs available, retreats at The Farm offer the complete experience. Treatments are supervised by internationally trained integrative medical doctors and health experts, while utilizing the best of nature and science.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @thefarmatsanbenito. For bookings and inquiries, call +63 918 884 8080 / +63 917 572 2325 / +63 917 572 2223 /+63 917 572 2977 or send us an e-mail at Visit