PORTS 1961 presents its latest campaign, exhibiting key looks from its Spring-Summer 2023 runway against a backdrop inspired by 1940/50s film noir. Slicked hair and clean make-up looks highlight the beauty, movement and strength of the garments, photographed in black and white. Multiple lighting angles create shadows that underscore the drama of the season.
Key looks from the shoot include graphic prints and angular cut shoulders, highlighting a strong yet feminine image. Striking silhouettes brought an air of mystery and intrigue into the season, playing up the expression of the campaign.
A collaborative vision composed between Fabien Baron and Karl Templer for the Spring-Summer 2023 set, was made possible with top fashion talent including models Julia Nobis, He Cong and Ida Heiner.
PORTS 1961再度攜手知名攝影師Steven Meisel呈現最新2023春夏廣告大片,以20世紀中期黑白電影作品為靈感,透過變幻重疊的光影、利落髮型與自然妝容定格服裝的律動美感與廓形張力,於黑白色調中彰顯富有戲劇張力的時裝魅力。
超模Julia Nobis, He Cong賀聰 與Ida Heiner出鏡演繹本季廣告大片。強調利落肩部剪裁的西裝外套與幾何印花連衣裙描繪出乾練又不失柔和的女性氣質。投射於人物身後的投影輪廓為2023春夏廣告大片渲染出與以往不同的神秘氛圍。
在Fabien Baron與Karl Templer的合作與超模的演繹下,PORTS 1961 2023春夏系列展現出全新願景,以更多創意與摩登格調賦予環球探索精神,以匠心設為時裝注入流動生命力,傳遞獨具一格的當代美學態度,以鮮明的個性巧思突破經典風格界限,勾勒堅韌時髦姿態。
Artistic Director and Fashion Direction: Karl Templer
Photographer: Steven Meisel
Art Direction: Fabien Baron
Models: Julia Nobis, He Cong, Ida Heiner
Hair: Guido Palau
Makeup: Pat McGrath