24 Jun 2023 By May Ng

K-Pop Cover Dance Festival in Hong Kong

一年一度的K-POP舞蹈界盛事即將回歸!文化院今年將與駐港總領事館、首爾新聞(The Seoul Shinmun Daily)共同主辦《K-POP COVER DANCE FESTIVAL IN HONG KONG》。自問對K-POP COVER DANCE有信心的你,把握機會參加這場年度盛事!獲得第一名的隊伍,將可以於9月出發到首爾參加全球總決賽,費用全免!


The annual and biggest K-POP cover dance event is coming back!This year, KCC is co-hosting the K-POP COVER DANCE FESTIVAL IN HONG KONG with the Korean Consul General in Hong Kong and The Seoul Shinmun Daily. If you are an expert of K-POP COVER DANCE, take the opportunity to participate in this annual event! The champion team will be able to travel to Seoul in September to compete in the global finals, with all expenses paid!

Preliminary(Online):~23:59, 30th June
Finalist annoucement:on or before 10th July
Final stage in Hong Kong:29th July 14:00, Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University