5 Jul 2023 By May Ng
Paris, 2020. Successive lockdowns have darkened horizons and muted momentums of optimism and lightness. Facing her mood boards, Claire Choisne looks for an answer to these paralyzing troubles. She throws out the idea of a wild project: a free High Jewelry, released from any constraints. Out with size, shape, and materials restrictions and out with conventions. In with joy.
於2020年的巴黎,接連實施的封城措施令民眾不禁感到前路茫茫,樂觀輕鬆的心情消失淨盡。創意總監Claire Choisne 注視眼前的情緒板,希望能為這些令人感到氣餒的難題找到答案。後來她萌生出一個大膽的想法:打造體現自由精神、不受任何束縛的高級珠寶系列,擺脫尺寸、形狀和物料方面的限制,推翻傳統規條,讓眾人重現歡顏。
Pop colors, extravagant volumes, basic silhouettes, simple. In the effervescence of 26 Place Vendôme, the studio of Boucheron is elated by the impulse of their Creative Director.
鮮亮奪目的色彩、誇張的比例和簡約的輪廓,將 Claire Choisne 的大膽意念活現眼前,令位於芳登廣場 26 號的 Boucheron 寶詩龍珠寶工作坊團隊感到興奮不已。
Like the pages of a teenage diary, the mood boards are filled with pop colors, joyful looks, geometric designs and motifs. Spheres, cubes, flat. Cheeky mixes, XXL smiles, life in Technicolor: memories appear on the surface, as the outlines of a new High Jewelry emerge. Drawing its energy from the influence of pop art, the soft rebellion of the Memphis artists and the illusion of perspectives liberated from any rule. Transforming reality into a world that rewrites joy.
A gigantic bow in the hair, defying the laws of gravity? Excessive necklaces, covering the whole chest? Jewels that move within two dimensions, springing from their box like mischievous sketches suddenly appearing from paper… And why not?
Everything is possible… with new materials and with the technical innovations of a studio perpetually dedicated to creativity, to the search for the perfect shape and the most rigorous setting of gemstones. Especially when it is all about glorifying enthusiasm, joy, and emotion. What is precious if it is not about these core values, which make the world go round… And that Maison Boucheron has continuously celebrated for 165 years.
品牌的珠寶工作坊一向銳意創新,致力追求完美的形狀和最精準的寶石鑲嵌設計,因此深信只要結合嶄新的物料與創新技術,一切皆有可能。而歌頌熱情、快樂和真摯情感的目的,也令團隊更富拼勁,因為這些核心價值最為珍貴,也為世界賦予力量,更是 Boucheron 寶詩龍創立165 年來,一直頌揚的理念。
The exceptional pieces of the “More is More” collection are true jewels of technicality, experimentation, machining. They are an ode to boldness as much as High Jewelry, through the assembling of materials, stones, diamonds, and colors.
「More is More」系列是真正結合精湛技術、實驗精神和卓越工藝的非凡珠寶傑作,透過創意揉合不同物料、寶石、鑽石和色彩,展現大膽破格的精神和高級珠寶的獨特魅力。
By pushing the boundaries of High Jewelry, with the greatest respect to its values, and by questioning the meaning of precious, these creations take us far away. Where innocence welcomes beauty without any constraints, where enchantment dwells, where sophistication looks easy and the world exhilarating.