The House Collective presents “Moonlit Discoveries,” a special collection of four mooncake box sets to commemorate how each city celebrates Mid-Autumn Festival. Designed to resemble a travel journal, each set documents personal stories from The House’s friends. Within these pages, they share their unique perspectives on the spirit and soul of Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu, as well as the cherished Mid-Autumn traditions that make each city so special.
The collection is a celebration of Mid-Autumn as a time not only for reunion but also for discovery as travellers come together with family and friends. In each volume, impressions and musings are meant to be enjoyed alongside mooncakes. “It’s the people of Hong Kong who make the city special – ‘work hard, play hard’ and the forever adaptive nature of city makes it a great place to live,” writes designer André Fu in the Hong Kong volume as he shares what inspires him most. Residents also give an insider guide to their cities. “During Mid-Autumn, I recommend going to Wenshu Temple to drink a cup of traditional tea, then to Jinsha Museum to see the original Shenfei, and finally visiting Yulin Snack Street,” suggests Chengdu-based artist and organic farmer Qi Yun. “During Mid-Autumn Festival, my grandmother would make rabbit lanterns for the children, and we would eat freshly made meat mooncakes.” writes Masha Ma, Chinese fashion designer about her Shanghai family traditions.
Featuring eight mini mooncakes in four flavours, the box sets’ selections range from the classics to creative spins. Sets for The Opposite House, The Temple House and The Middle House include Parma Ham Mooncake, Granulated Chestnut Mooncake, Five Black Nut Mooncake and Rattan Pepper Ham Mooncake. The Upper House’s assortment includes a vegan Red Bean Paste Mooncake with Mandarin Peel, Maltitol Low Sugar White Lotus Seed Paste with Yolk Mooncake, Jasmine Tea Custard Mooncake and Coffee with Caramel and Sea Salt Custard Mooncake.
Available exclusively through each of the Houses, the Moonlit Discoveries mooncake box sets may be ordered individually or as a collection of four, excepting The Opposite House which may only be purchased as part of the full set. Mooncakes may be reserved from The Upper House now through our website here and starting July 5 from The Temple House and The Middle House, with pick-up from August 14 at all locations.
Early bird discounts and bulk purchase offers are available, with details upon request. Furthermore, as part of The Upper House’s ongoing commitment to our community partners, 10% of profits from mooncake sales will be donated to Mother’s Choice, a local charity serving the many children without families, and pregnant teenagers and young women in Hong Kong.
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