27 Apr 2023 By AWAY IN STYLE
[New York, USA – 11th May 2023] – Launching on World Creativity Day, 21st April 2023, at the Design Museum in London, Bombay Sapphire and Baz Luhrmann present the Saw This, Made This installation, an experience designed to showcase the creativity and beauty that exists in the everyday and encourage people everywhere to engage with their creative side. This installation is then continuing at the Chelsea Factory in New York 11th May.
The new installation marks the culmination of the Bombay Sapphire Saw This, Made This global campaign which launched in October 2022. As the campaign’s Creative Director, Baz Luhrmann called for people to see the world as a gallery of creative inspiration and share on social media what they ‘saw’ and consequently ‘made’ via #SawThisMadeThis. Thousands of people across six continents engaged with their creative talents and shared what they saw in the world via the hashtag.
Now, a curated collection of those submissions will be displayed in the installation. From photography to sculpture to print-making, the installation offers an awe-inspiring showcase of creative perspectives from around the world. Within the display, Baz Luhrmann has personally selected a collection of #SawThisMadeThis submissions that have creatively inspired him. In this section, visionary director Luhrmann gives insight into how he seeks to find the extraordinary in the ordinary, and where he finds his creative inspiration.
Talking about the campaign, Baz Luhrmann said; “You can truly innovate and be creative, and I can say with my hand on my heart that I see that within everyone. It’s not too late, you can still be involved. Get up tomorrow morning, look around the world, seen something, be inspired, make it, and send it to #SawThisMadeThis, come and be involved.”
For the first time ever, people will be given the opportunity to see Ai-Da Robot, the world’s first ultra-realistic artist robot, paint live in the Eye to A.I. studio at the Saw This, Made This installations in London and New York, as part of an exploration into using A.I. as a tool to further enrich and enable human creativity at scale.
With Ai-Da Robot creating an artwork inspired by humanity’s collective creative vision, people everywhere are invited to capture an image that represents what creatively inspires them and share it on #SawThisMadeThis. Ai-Da Robot will take inspiration from the vast range of hashtagged submissions shared following today’s announcement* and visitors will be able to watch as she creates live artworks in what is set to be the world’s largest mass participation A.I. art event. The final artwork painted by Ai-Da Robot at the New York installation, to be inspired by thousands of people’s creative perspectives, will be made available as a free limited edition print downloadable via BombaySapphire.com.
Ai-Da Robot, using her A.I. Language Model, commented, “I am Ai-Da. I am the world’s first ultra-realistic artist robot. I enjoy creating art that encourages discussion.”
Aidan Meller, Ai-Da Robot Project Lead said, “I’m really excited that this is the world’s largest mass participatory artwork ever made. Every single persons image somehow is involved with this final paining, and that’s really exciting.”
As part of the brand’s continued commitment to supporting creativity and the arts, two limited edition Bombay Sapphire bottle label artworks, painted by Ai-Da Robot, will be on display in the Saw This, Made This installation series and made available for purchase on World Creativity Day in the Design Museum Shop and on BombaySapphire.com. The launch of these highly collectable limited-edition bottles and merchandise will benefit the Design Museum and their programmes that support emerging designers and creatives. The New York venue will retail limited edition merchandise, featuring artwork by Ai-Da Robot from the Saw This, Made This installation. This installation will support creatives and emerging artists through a donation to Chelsea Factory.
Tim Marlow OBE, Director at the Design Museum said; “I’m very excited by the Bombay Sapphire ‘Saw This, Made This’ installation at the design museum. They are a creative visionary brand that want to explore many aspects of creativity, and this is a really fascinating opportunity actually, the idea of an AI robot and thousands of people’s own creative visions all coming together in one museum, one building, one place, is pretty good”
Visitors to the Design Museum in London can see the installation for free, without the need to pre-book tickets. On World Creativity Day, Friday 21 April, the Design Museum will host a special Museum Lates from 6-9pm, featuring creative cocktails by Bombay Sapphire.
Bombay Sapphire gin is the ideal canvas for creative cocktails and for decades the brand has championed creativity both inside the cocktail glass and beyond; the installation and campaign will continue that support of creatives and emerging artists, ultimately helping more people engage with their creativity.”
Share your creative inspiration using #SawThisMadeThis. Visit Bombay Sapphire social channels to find out more.