27 Apr 2022 By AWAY IN STYLE
SEOUL: To mark the occasion of the Maria Grazia Chiuri-designed Fall 2022 fashion show in Seoul*, the first défilé organized by Dior in the Republic of Korea, the House is inaugurating, on May 1, a unique concept store located in Seongsu-dong. A former industrial zone, this district is enjoying a renaissance and represents the innovative, cutting-edge spirit of a new generation with boundless creative energy. To celebrate this effervescence, Dior envisioned an exclusive ephemeral space, designed to evolve with the seasons and the collections in keeping with the heritage of Dior.
Welcoming visitors, a spectacular structure recalls the emblematic façade of 30 Montaigne with its metallic mesh – evoking the excellence of the couture ateliers through fabric, or as Monsieur Dior liked to call it, “The sole vehicle of our dreams.” Within this fabulous open-air construction – roofless, like a grandiose theater – is a stunning garden, inspired by both Korean nature and French gardens; a nod to Monsieur Dior’s love of flowers, dotted with activities to discover along the way.
At the heart of this exceptional setting, combining heritage and audacity, the Dior boutique, conceived as a luminous glass showcase, reveals the different worlds of the House through reinterpreted Dior symbols. The Dior Union women’s line – created by Maria Grazia Chiuri – is housed in an architectural wooden module inspired by the curves of a skateboard ramp, while multiple versions of the iconic Dior Book Tote bag adorn an irresistible lounge dedicated to its personalization: the Book Tote Room. The Dior Chez Moi capsule and its precious silk scarves guarantee the gentle notes of life, alongside a shoe paradise where Dior sneakers are spotlighted.
All these objects of desire are set against a decor composed of original pieces by Korean designers such as Kwangho Lee, who has created sculptural furniture in polystyrene foam, and Jeonghwa Seo, whose furniture fuses metals and natural materials such as wood or straw. A tribute to Korean craftsmanship, the House icon toile de Jouy is revisited on traditional Hanji paper, made by mixing mulberry fiber and natural wood pulp in the Republic of Korea.
The final surprise is the collaboration between Dior and Korean digital design company d’strict, known for its immersive media art. Together they have recreated the atmosphere of Christian Dior’s childhood villa in Granville, and the infinite beauty of his garden with its enchanting roses. A magical view of the tailored greenery can be seen from within the Café Dior, offering a poetic escape dedicated to aesthetes.
This timeless experience propels Dior’s heritage into the future, exalting the House’s inventiveness and modernity.
Reservations can be made via the Dior Seongsu app, which will be available to download on the official Dior website from April 22, 2022.
由女裝系列創意總監 Maria Grazia Chiuri 主理的 Dior 2022 年秋季系列將於首 爾發表*,標誌著品牌首次於大韓民國舉行時裝展。為隆重其事,Dior 將於 5 月 1 日在聖水洞開設獨一無二的概念店。昔日為工業區的聖水洞現為時尚聖地,吸 引新一代迸發創意火花,令區內洋溢創新前衛的精神。為頌揚這新興文創區的活 力姿采,Dior 特意開設別開生面的期間限定店,隨著季節更迭的節奏,呈獻 Dior 系列作品,呼應品牌的設計傳統。
與蒙田大道 30 號總店的經典外牆一脈相承的金屬網,構成奪目出眾的建築元素, 以布料彰顯 Dior 時裝工藝坊的精湛工藝,一如 Dior 先生所言,充分顯示布料是 「我們圓夢的唯一工具」。室內設計延續精緻格調,露天設計宛如宏偉的劇場, 糅合韓國的自然景致及法式園圃的情調,尤如浪漫迷人的花園,讓訪客在繁花簇 擁中探索無數精彩體驗,向 Dior 先生的愛花之情致敬。
Dior 專門店化身明亮的玻璃陳列櫃,透過經重新演繹的各個 Dior 經典符號,展 現品牌多姿多彩的創意國度,把傳統與前衛共冶一爐。Maria Grazia Chiuri 設計 的 Dior Union 女裝系列,藏身於宛如滑板坡道的木構組件中,而經典 Dior Book Tote 手袋的多款變奏,則安放於提供個人化手袋服務的「Book Tote Room」中。 Dior Chez Moi 別注系列及珍貴的同款絲巾喚起安逸淡雅的生活風尚,與主角為 Dior 運動鞋互相呼應。
全線臻品陳列於別致的空間中,與 Kwangho Lee 以發泡膠雕琢而成的家具以及 Jeonghwa Seo 糅合金屬與木材、稻草等天然素材製成的家品相映成趣。Dior 以 當地的桑樹纖維及天然木漿所製的傳統韓紙,重塑品牌經典的 toile de Jouy 圖 案,頌揚這門歷史悠久的韓國手工藝。
Dior 更與韓國數碼設計公司 d’strict 合作,利用後者擅長的沉浸式媒體藝術,把 陪伴 Christian Dior 童年歲月的格蘭維爾莊園美景重現眼前,成為概念店的壓軸 驚喜,當中栽滿豔麗玫瑰的花園更是美不勝收。訪客可於 Café Dior 飽覽這如夢 似幻的園林景致,陶醉於詩意盎然的瑰麗國度。
這趟雋永的體驗彰顯 Dior 與時並進的創新精神,引領世家在傳統的基石上繼往 開來。
如欲到場參觀,可透過 2022 年 4 月 22 日起於 Dior 官網下載的 Dior Seongsu 應用程式預約。
* 2022 年 4 月 30 日於梨花女子大學舉行