For Valentine’s Day, Messika celebrates love with a new campaign that showcases its jewelry creations in the intimate setting of the Hôtel Particulier Montmartre in Paris. A refined backdrop where diamonds become the witnesses of moments filled with emotion and complicity. For this occasion, the Maison unveils a selection of its iconic collections: Move Uno, My Twin, Move Classique, Gatsby, and Move Titanium. Pieces designed for both her and him, symbols of a strong and timeless bond.
為慶祝情人節,Messika 推出全新宣傳廣告,並以巴黎Hôtel Particulier Montmartre的優雅寫意環境為背景,展示品牌的璀璨珠寶傑作,以美鑽見證兩心相牽的深情時刻,歌頌動人的愛。就此,品牌更精選Move Uno、My Twin、Move Classique、Gatsby 和 Move Titanium等經典系列的奪目設計,以男女皆宜的珠寶象徵無懼考驗的不渝真愛。
Each piece of jewelry is presented in Messika’s signature luminous case, designed to elevate the art of gifting and make each present a unique moment. This light enhances exceptional pieces such as the Baby Move necklace and the new Move Titanium signet ring.

每款珠寶也以Messika的特色發光珠寶盒盛載,完美昇華贈禮的藝術,亦令每份禮物更加獨一無二。珠寶盒內的照明裝置令Baby Move項鏈和新款Move Titanium印章戒指等瑰麗珠寶加倍閃亮迷人。
“I have placed this campaign under the sign of passion to celebrate love in all its power. Passion is more than ever at the heart of our Maison’s story. From the workshop to our boutiques, it is that little spark that drives us further every day.”
Valérie Messika, Founder and Artistic Director
「我以熱情作為這個宣傳廣告的主題,藉此頌揚愛的各種奇妙力量。 現在,熱情已成為品牌故事的核心,無論在工坊還是珠寶店,我們也受熱情的火花推動,每天力求進步。」
Valérie Messika – 創辦人兼藝術總監

For 20 years, Messika has been shaking up the codes of traditional jewelry by combining contemporary design with exceptional craftsmanship. The Maison continues to create pieces where diamonds are worn with freedom and modernity, expressing love with strength and authenticity.
20年來,Messika 一直創意結合現代設計與卓越工藝,不斷顛覆傳統珠寶設計的規條,並創作以自由和現代方式演繹的鑽石珠寶,以透現力量的原創設計表達真誠的愛。
Messika’s store address:
Pacific Place, Level 2, Shop 247
Phone: +852 3188 8055
Harbour City , Ocean Centre L2 237
Phone: +852 3113 3292