El Affaire Miu Miu, directed by Argentine filmmaker Laura Citarella, is the 28th commission in the Miu Miu Women’s Tales series. This acclaimed short-film collection invites today’s most profound and original female directors to explore themes of vanity and femininity in the 21st century.
In El Affaire Miu Miu, Citarella continues her fascination with “female Sherlock Holmes” figures—women who, for various reasons, run away, leaving others to solve their mystery. “I had to learn how to film outfits,” Citarella admits, referring to the integral role Miu Miu’s clothing plays in the narrative. “It was necessary to find a connection between fashion and storytelling, blending the fantastical pampas landscape with Miu Miu’s world, where the clothes themselves become main characters.”
This latest installment of Miu Miu Women’s Tales is a wry, female-driven detective story with Hitchcockian influences. In El Affaire Miu Miu, Italian style intertwines with Argentine supernaturalism. Citarella’s interest in adventurous women merges with the meta-narrative of the women who represent Miu Miu. As the story unfolds, investigators in the countryside find fragments of the dress worn by the model, who we observe making her pilgrimage across the pampas, slowly merging with the landscape itself—a fusion of character, attire, and place, as if she embodies the landscape.