The painterly clouds of a Tuscan sky hover above Maremma’s rolling landscape. On a rock sits a handbag. A white Miu Miu Wander bag. Upon close inspection, though, we see it’s dirty, beaten up, weathered with time. What has this handbag been through? And how did it end up here, alone? In Autobiografia di una Borsetta, we watch and listen to this handbag recount its life story, from birth to old age. It’s a life spanning a multitude of discrete socially encoded spaces — ultramodern factory, sprawling Italian villa, impoverished urban peripheries — and a spectrum of owners, from privileged teenage daughter to working class assassin. In this story, the Wander bag is the silent main character around which contemporary Italy teams with joy, sadness, desperation and desire. It is an object that is the heroine — not only of this film, but in many of our own lives.
AUTOBIOGRAFIA DI UNA BORSETTA, directed by the celebrated auteur of British cinema, Joanna Hogg, is the 29th commission from Miu Miu Women’s Tales. The acclaimed short-film series invites today’s most profound and original female directors to investigate vanity and femininity in the 21st century.

托斯卡納藍天上的絢爛雲彩,盪漾於Maremma 連綿起伏的山谷之間。巨岩上躺著一個手袋──一個白色的Miu Miu Wander 手袋。走近細看,手袋骯髒破爛,被歲月無情蹂躪。這手袋到底遭遇到甚麼經歷?它因何獨自躺在這裡?在《Autobiografia di una Borsetta》中,手袋親述其前世今生,以聲畫再現其出生到年老的故事。它的一生在好幾個被社會規範明確劃分的空間(先進的工廠、偌大的意大利莊園和城市的貧民區)中度過,也在不同的主人(家境富裕的青春少艾以至藍領殺手)之間易手。故事中的Wander 手袋是個沉默的主角,而背景中的當代意大利則滿載歡欣、哀愁、絕望和欲望。物件成為了不折不扣的主角──此說不僅適用於本片,更適用於大部分人的生活。
《AUTOBIOGRAFIA DI UNA BORSETTA》由英國電影作者Joanna Hogg執導,是《Miu Miu 女人的故事》系列第29 部作品。系列邀請當代最具內涵和創意的女性導演探討21 世紀的女性定義和外貌。