For Carlo Nuvolari and Dan Lenard – co-founders of the Nuvolari Lenard design house – change is not only welcome but also something actively to be sought. Change is what drives the language of design forward, and it is also what brings form and functionality ever closer together.

For many outside observers, the outside of a yacht is what they see and it is the flowing, sculpted lines that suggest forward design momentum. It is an area that the Nuvolari Lenard team know well, having created some of the most iconic yachts in modern times such as the 141.6-metre Nord, the 115-metre Ahpo, and the 60.3-metre Comfortably Numb, while also setting new benchmarks with innovative designs such as the 202-metre Centrefold, or the NLPlus which captures the essence of the perfect superyacht in 52 metres.

However, says Lenard, the exterior is only part of the design equation, and its relationship to the interior layout and design is intrinsic. Having recently assumed responsibility for the art direction of the studio’s interior design department, he is reinforcing the form-function interaction while at the same time reinvigorating the essence of what an interior can be. “A yacht,” he explains, “is to be conceived as a whole, and separating external design from internal design reduces the possibility of elevating the entire yacht project to a higher level – that is, to that of a work of art.”