26 Mar 2025 By AK


For the Spring 2025 collection and campaign, Ralph Lauren drew inspiration from his cherished home away from home—the Hamptons

Ralph Lauren發表2025年春季系列廣告企劃,靈感取自他珍視的「第二個家」漢普頓 The Hamptons 

“The Hamptons is more than a place. It’s a natural world of endless blue skies, the ocean, green fields, and white fences, rusticity and elegance with a quality of light that drew artists here decades ago.

It has been home, my refuge, and always an inspiration.” —Ralph Lauren 

「漢著頓不僅是一個地方。遼闊的藍天與碧海、翠綠的田野與白色籬笆,勾勒一片明媚的自然風光,質樸氛圍與優雅美感並存,早在數十年前已吸引無數藝術家前來。這是我的家和避風港,是我取之不竭的靈感來源。」 —Ralph Lauren

Shot by Alasdair McLellan, with a film by Jacob Sutton, the campaign takes place within the natural splendors of the Hamptons. Set amidst sun-dappled stables, manicured polo fields, and white picket fences, the Ralph Lauren Collection, Purple Label, and Polo Ralph Lauren collections are showcased with enduring elegance. Iconic blazers, impeccably tailored suits, and refined menswear shirts are rendered in a palette of blue and white, echoing the expansive cerulean skies. Classic Ralph Lauren silhouettes are updated with sensual draping to capture the eclectic romance and rugged elegance found in the beachside towns. 

廣告由Alasdair McLellan掌鏡,Jacob Sutton拍攝短片,於漢普頓的自然風光取景。在光影斑駁的馬廄、修葺整齊的馬球場和白色柵欄之間,Ralph Lauren CollectionPurple LabelPolo Ralph Lauren系列展現永恆優雅的格調。經典西裝外套、剪裁恰到好處的西裝套裝和雅致的男裝恤衫以藍、白兩色為主調,呼應萬里青天。經典Ralph Lauren造型注入垂墜質感,捕捉濱海小鎮不拘一格的浪漫,質樸而不失優雅。

Along the sun-swept beaches of the Hamptons, where waves meet pristine shoreline, sporting style is reimagined with bold graphic patterns, linen shirts and trousers in vivid colors, and crisp white shirts paired with denim. 


This season celebrates the introduction of “The Ralph Bag,” a new family of luxury bags in the Ralph Lauren Collection. Inspired by Ralph Lauren’s passion for cars, the structural bags made from supple leather feature elegant hardware constructed from a mix of polished metals and burl wood, mimicking the interiors of vintage automobiles and honoring fine Italian craftsmanship. 

全新「The Ralph Bag」是Ralph Lauren Collection奢華手袋系列的新成員。筆挺的手袋輪廓靈感來自Ralph Lauren先生熱愛的汽車,以柔軟皮革縫製,優雅飾件結合拋光金屬和胡桃木,模仿古董車內飾,頌揚精湛的意大利工藝。

The campaign will be brought to life starting with an elevated fashion experience in Shanghai, China, on April 2, setting the stage for a series of activations worldwide, including a Hamptons-inspired pop-up shop in Tokyo, a Ralph’s Hamptons House takeover in Dubai, and more. Additionally, for the first time ever, Ralph Lauren Vintage will launch a drop of 12 Ralph Lauren Collection archival pieces from the early 2000s that reflect the aesthetic and style of Hamptons life and serve as inspiration for the Spring 2025 Collection.


即將於42日在中國上海舉行的高級時尚體驗將為廣告企劃揭開序幕,全球一連串活動陸續上演,包括以漢普頓為設計藍本的東京期間限定店、杜拜版Ralph’s Hamptons House等。Ralph Lauren Vintage亦首次重推共12件來自Ralph Lauren Collection 2000年代初的經典作品,反映漢普頓生活美學和風格,亦是2025年春季系列的創作靈感。







