28 Feb 2025 By May Ng


Versace Global Brand Ambassador, Rosy Zhao, stars in the Spring-Summer 2025 campaign. Images show a relatable realness to Rosy who embodies the seasonal collection’s spirit of spontaneity and joy.

She carries the bag of the season, the Versace Tag. With its soft construction in supple leather or printed canvas, the Versace Tag is crafted in materials and patterns imbued with the joy of the season. It is available in candy-colored leather and with additional charm accessories, including the Medusa Fluffy—a fun take on the House Medusa signifier. Featured in the campaign is a special edition purple butterfly charm created in collaboration with Rosy.

Featured ready-to-wear is in collection prints including a Wild Roses draped jersey dress and satin midi skirt, and a knit polo shirt in the Wave motif. Elements from the signature Barocco print are embossed on a leather jacket worn with tailored denim mini shorts and the V2025 sandal pumps.

Versace全球品牌大使趙露思傾情演繹2025春夏系列形象廣告。 鏡頭定格真實瞬間,趙露思以自然流露的靈動姿態詮釋本季的自由愉悅精神。

廣告中,趙露思率性演繹本季主推Versace Tag手袋——該款手袋由柔軟皮革打造,糖果色調呼應春夏活力。 搭配該手袋的獨特吊墜亦暗藏巧思:以毛絨材質重新塑造經典Medusa標識,新穎妙趣的Medusa Fluffy吊墜應運而生。 此外,本季亦特別推出與趙露思攜手打造的紫色蝴蝶限定吊墜,於細節處彰顯趣味魅力。

趙露思身著點綴野玫瑰印花的垂墜連衣裙與缎面半身裙,以及採用波浪紋路設計的針織POLO衫; 標誌性巴羅克印花通過皮革浮雕工藝重新演繹,搭配牛仔短褲與V2025細帶高跟鞋,於精緻剪裁與不拘風格的對撞中重新定義奢華風韻。