2 Feb 2025 By May Ng
The new Prada campaign for Chinese New Year 2025 celebrates the start of the year of the snake, a powerful source of metaphorical visions.
Drawing on the profound respect afforded to this mysterious animal in Chinese culture, the images reinterpret the snake’s coils and turn them into a striking creative symbol. The curves trace twisting spirals and become a visual representation of the concept of community, documented as a winding row of people from a variety of disciplines who interact and bring to life this sign of the Chinese zodiac. The campaign transforms the snake – typically perceived as an archetype of individualism – into a figure devoted to sharing.
Featuring creative direction by Ferdinando Verderi and photography by Oliver Hadlee Pearch, the visuals are composed of a snake-like chain of human silhouettes who are interspersed by various real characters either alone or together. For the occasion, Prada brings together a heterogenous cast of people from different walks of life including its Ambassadors Jia Ling, Li Xian, Ma Long, Ma Yili, Yang Shuyu; Art Historian Wu Hung; Artists Peng Wei, Zhang Enli; Architect Rossana Hu and models Du Juan, Ju Xiaowen, Zhao Lei. An homage to the deep respect for this animal in Chinese culture, the campaign reframes our emotional connection to the snake, as seen in the film directed by Dorothy Sing Zhang. The entire cast gathers together and, as a whole, demonstrates their innate correlations between one another.
There is also an evocative new version of the Prada logo: the sinuous rope that surrounds the lettering effortlessly grows a head and tail and turns into a snake.
To mark the occasion, Prada is presenting an exclusive selection of ready-to-wear and accessories. Bags are the highlight of the women’s offering, including a leather top-handle cubic bag with golden hardware, a pared-back, minimal tote, and a shoulder bag with removable tricks. Outfits feature a pleated skirt design paired with a matching jacket or minimal blouse, as well as dresses in noble fabrics embellished with applications. For him, two exclusive soft bags in a new green hue accessorize coats, blazers, and trousers with voluminous shapes and relaxed silhouettes.
The snake is also the protagonist of Prada’s new podcast, “Speaking of the Snake,” curated and hosted by Violet Wang to accompany the campaign. This series investigates the creature’s image from different perspectives via conversations with leading cultural figures, aiming to explore its role in different contexts and in the arts. The episodes will be released on Apple Podcasts starting from January 6, 2025.
Talents: Prada Ambassador Jia Ling, Li Xian, Ma Long, Ma Yili, Yang Shuyu; Art Historian Wu Hung; Artists Peng Wei, Zhang Enli; Architect Rossana Hu and model Du Juan, Ju Xiaowen, Zhao
Creative Director: Ferdinando Verderi
Film Director: Dorothy Sing Zhang
Campaign Photographer: Oliver Hadlee Pearch
在中國文化里,蛇這一神秘生靈被賦以崇高地位。Prada 2025新春廣告大片從中汲取靈感,巧妙重塑靈蛇盤繞之姿,以充盈着深邃內涵的符號將其呈現。蜿蜒曲線勾勒螺旋圖案,穿梭於彼此互動的人物之間,將“集體”概念視覺化,解譯靈蛇本身意涵與中國生肖意象——超越個人主義的藩籬,演變為共享精神的化身。
廣告大片由Ferdinando Verderi擔任創意指導,Oliver Hadlee Pearch掌鏡靜態大片。多位來自文化、藝術等不同領域的才俊共同出鏡:Prada代言人賈玲、李現、馬伊琍;Prada品牌大使馬龍、楊舒予;藝術史學家巫鴻;藝術家彭薇、張恩利;建築師胡如珊及模特杜鵑、雎曉雯、趙磊。畫面之上,剪影如蛇般蜿蜒遊走,真實身影交織其間,或獨自登場,或結伴同行。此次廣告短片由張穆涵(Dorothy Sing Zhang)執導,呈現了中國文化中對蛇的尊崇,並重新構建了我們與蛇這一生靈的情感聯繫。人物於短片中齊聚一堂,展現了他們之間與生俱來的紐帶聯結。
於此特別時刻,Prada正式推出品牌Podcast ——“蛇年說蛇”。該系列節目由策展人、寫作者汪汝徽參與策劃並主持,通過與文化界翹楚的對談,透過多元視角審視蛇的形象,探索其於不同語境和藝術形式中的角色。節目將從2025年1月6日起在Apple Podcasts上線。
創意:Ferdinando Verderi
視頻:張穆涵(Dorothy Sing Zhang)
攝影:Oliver Hadlee Pearch
#PradaCNYGifts @prada